Wapkiz File Manager All code

Wapkiz File Manager All code
Previous sure you've uploaded the file and create a folder in the file manager menu at panel display when they stayed on the page that you want. The writing format [fm]Set||Content[/fm] PARAMETERS SET : Parameters set a function .*? global $---sql---;Example: d=3, o= u, l=10, s=:to-page:, no=no file. Here is a list of parameter sets that can be filled in the area of ​​the format set d = number id folder where''''' the file will appear example 1: d=1 example2: d=3 example3: d=:to-id(0):da=folder_id.folder_id display files from multiple folders example: da= its show that these 1,3,6,9,12 folder ids files list. o (order): - o=u The order is based on the latest update in early - o=ul Sort by oldest update at the beginning of - o=n Sort by name For example:o = u,l (limit): - l=numberfile viewing limit For example: l=10 will display 10 filess (initial limit): - s=numberinitial sequence example s=0 - s=getpage jump automatically by a get example: s=:to-page: no (*if there are no file): - no=text This parameter will appear only if the files no examples: no=no file broto (performed by get): - to=number displays based on the id example: to=1 will display posts with id 1 - to=get displays files by the get example: to=:to-file: search (performed by search): - search=get displays files based on search results get example: search=:to-search:usr (performed by user): - usr=user name by the user who uploaded the file example: user=eldio will display the uploaded file eldio - usr=:to-user: displays files by:to-user: and to the user can be replaced with to another eg :to-id: or :to-uid: up depending on the link to get youPARAMETERS CONTENT Parameter content is what will appear. Here is a list of parameters content - %id% Display id file - %sn% Display number of file - %name% Display title of file - %*thumb% Display image thumbnail - %filetype% Display File Type - %*urlthumb% Display url image thumbnail - %icon% Display icon file - %size% Displays the file size - %*hits% Displays the total download file - %description% Displays the file description - %*del% Display link deletion of files - %time_upl% Displays the time of the upload file format 12-12-2014 (06:30) - %time_upl = time format% Display the time uploader post format can be replaced - %time_download% Displays time last download file format 12-12-2014 (06:30) - %time_download = time format% Display the download time last post format can be replaced - admin Displays the file uploader - Displays variable for example: or or anything - %link% Displays the download link - %apk-thumb% Display apk url image thumbnail - %music-title% Display music title - %music-artist% Display music artist - %music-album% Display music album - %music-year% Display music year - %music-composer% Display music composer - %music-bitrate% Display music bit rate - %music-thumb% Display music url image thumbnail Example: Use l=0 for showing count of file example: [*fm]d=0,l=0,n=0||%count%[/fm] NOTE: Remove All * in the Parameters

Wapkiz File Manager All code

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